Access Rights

Protecting Tradition

NHLC provides legal services to confront the problems facing Native Hawaiians, including the threatened loss of their ancestral lands, the unfulfilled-promises made by state and federal government to hold Hawaiian land in trust for their betterment, and the preservation of their indigneous way of life which includes traditional means of resolving disputes (ho’oponopono or peacemaking).

NHLC defends the use of traditional access routes to the ocean and forests to gather, fish, and practice as their ancestors did. With NHLC’s representation, Native Hawaiians have fended off development that threatened sacred cultural sites, and traditional access routes to the ocean and forests.

If you have a legal issue and would like to see if we can help you, please call our office at (808) 521-2302 or contact us using our Contact Form.

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Daylin-Rose Heather



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